Dinesh Dhamija

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Updated June 7th, 2024 by Dinesh Dhamija

Locations and Location Groups

Locations Location data is associated with a location-specific listing such as Google Business Profiles (GBP), which is usually associated with a physical address. While some GBPs are for service areas, most are for physical locations, so they are all organized at the location level for consistency. Location Groups Location Groups are where marketin...

0 min reading time
Updated September 22nd, 2022 by Dinesh Dhamija

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Lead Capture Live offer levels of service to handle call disposition? Currently, Lead Capture Live supports one level - the Answering Service solution.  Answering Service Solution: Answers incoming calls representing your brand experience. Screens calls to ensure it is within your service areas, capabilities, and offerings. Qualifies calls to d...

0 min reading time
Updated September 22nd, 2022 by Dinesh Dhamija

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of Calls can Blue Corona Lead Capture Live answer? You can choose to have our service field any combination of the following call types. All your calls After hours calls Holiday calls Emergency calls Any mix of calls including overflow of calls not answered by CSRs, ...

0 min reading time
Updated April 17th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Total Tracked Impressions

Overview: This metric represents the Total Tracked Impressions forthe selected values of the global filter. It is computed from the Tracked Impression values from the data sources listed below. Note that if the Tracked Impressions value from a given data source is not available or set to zero, it will not be accounted for in the calculations.   Note...

0 min reading time
Updated June 14th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Tracked Impressions

Number of times your ad or content has been displayed or viewed by users.   Overview: This metric shows the total number of Tracked Impressions based on the selected global filter options.  It is calculated using the impression data collected from the specified data sources. It's important to note that if there is no available data or if the impress...

0 min reading time
Updated March 5th, 2024 by Dinesh Dhamija


  Total number of contacts from various engagement systems across tracked sources.   Overview: Leads represent the total number of people that engaged with our clients across the different engagement channels we track. Engagement include calls, forms, chats, schedulers, local services, business profiles, Facebook, etc.   This metric shows the total ...

0 min reading time
Updated May 31st, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija


 Values of Interest. Overview: Metrics are a way of measuring values of interest. Metric values are usually measures at time intervals and are used to track progress, identify problems, and make decisions. Metrics have many units such as counts, percentages, currency, ratios, or time-units. Examples of metrics include Ad Spend, Impressions, Clicks, ...

0 min reading time
Updated May 31st, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija


A Collection of Metrics to Support a Conversation.   Overview: An individual metric, while interesting may not provide adequate insights to understand trends, track progress, identify problems, or make decisions. Typically, a group of metrics viewed together provides more actionable insights as illustrated below.   Polaris enables the creation of Co...

0 min reading time
Updated May 31st, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija


Agendas for Data Driven Conversations.   Overview: A Dashboard in Polaris is a grouping of Containers to provide meaningful insights or context. A Dashboard is made up of one or many containers, each containing a group of metrics or other objects such as the Notes Editor.      Dashboards are usually designed for a given context of interest or discus...

0 min reading time
Updated May 31st, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Metric Views

Choose the View that Works for You.   Overview: Polaris provides many ways in which users can view metrics in a container. Users may choose views that are most meaningful for them to interpret the information. Views can be selected by using the 3-Dot menu on the top-right of a Container. Polaris supports the following views today; with views more be...

0 min reading time
Updated May 31st, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija


  A Concise View of Metrics.   Overview The card is the simplest view of a metric in Polaris, as illustrated in the picture below.     The Card provides the metric name, its source, value for the selected values of the Global Filter and its change vs the value in the prior period or when compared to the same period last year.  The thumbnail provides...

0 min reading time
Updated May 31st, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Charts: Single

Detailed Period over Period Comparisons.   Overview: The Chart Single View displays the value of each metric in the container as a histogram for the prior 12 periods from the period value selected in the Global Filter. It also overlays a line graph with the 12 periods prior to the 12 periods shown on the histogram for a total of 24 periods. This ena...

0 min reading time
Updated May 31st, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Charts: Grouped

Overlays for Comparing Trends.   Overview: The Chart Grouped View displays the values of all metrics in a container as a line graph for the period value selected in the Global Filter as shown in the illustration. The Chart is generated using the current value of the Global Filter and the prior 12 periods. Highlighting any of the chart nodes displays...

0 min reading time
Updated May 31st, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Table: Single

Individualized Sortable Tables for Each Metric.   Overview: The Table Single View displays the values of a given metric in a container as a table for the period value selected in the Global Filter as shown in the illustration. The Table is generated using the current value of the Global Filter and the prior 12 periods. This view is useful for users ...

0 min reading time
Updated May 31st, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Table: Grouped

View Values over Time for a Collection of Metrics.   Overview: The Table Grouped View displays the values of all metrics in each container as rows in a table for the period value selected in the Global Filter as shown in the illustration. The Table is generated using the current value of the Global Filter and the prior 12 periods. This view is usefu...

0 min reading time
Updated May 31st, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Client Types in Polaris

Client Types and Their Nuances.   Overview: Clients in Polaris are of three types, as described below. Single Company – Single Location (SC-SL): These are clients that operate their business out of a single location. When logging in as a Single Company – Single Location client, the Client Organization and NOAA region will be automatically selected i...

0 min reading time
Updated May 31st, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Library and Adapters

Integrations and Calculated Metric Categories in Polaris.   Overview: The following table shows the current list of Integration Adapters available in Polaris. There are several metrics that are calculated based upon values extracted from other platforms. The Calculated Category groups these metrics for ease of use.   CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY PLATFORM A...

0 min reading time
Updated September 12th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

GA to Google GA4 Transition and its Impact on Polaris Metrics

Google has replaced Google Analytics (GA) with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) ( Learn More ) and starting July 1, 2023, the GA properties will stop processing new data. The following is the impact on Polaris Integration Adapters and metrics related to GA, GA4 and calculated metrics.    For Existing Blue Corona Clients If GA was setup and processing data b...

1 min reading time
Updated March 18th, 2024 by Dinesh Dhamija

Jobs Completed

Number of Jobs Completed from Calls Matched to Blue Corona Tracked Lines.   Overview: Jobs Completed shows the sum of all unique ServiceTitan booked jobs associated to ServiceTitan inbound calls matched to Blue Corona marketing tracked calls for options selected in the Global Filter .    Note that this metric may be updated by the Net Change adapter...

0 min reading time
Updated September 10th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Calls Total

Number of Inbound Calls Logged in ServiceTitan.   Overview: Calls Total shows the total count of inbound calls logged in ServiceTitan for options selected in the Global Filter .   Data Sources: ServiceTitan Formula: N/A.   Adapter: ServiceTitan Business Attribution ....

0 min reading time
Updated April 5th, 2024 by Dinesh Dhamija

ServiceTitan Business Attribution

Links Marketing Attribution and Leads to ServiceTitan Jobs and Revenue.     Overview: The Polaris ServiceTitan Business Attribution Adapter is engineered to create a connection between your marketing efforts and tangible business results. Marketing attribution data is linked to ServiceTitan calls, jobs, and revenue with this integration. This offers...

1 min reading time
Updated September 9th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Calls Total

Total Inbound Calls Tracked in ServiceTitan.   Overview: Calls Total shows the total count of inbound calls in ServiceTitan for the given values selected in the Global Filter.   Data Sources: ServiceTitan   Formula: N/A    ...

0 min reading time
Updated September 9th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Call Leads

Total Inbound Calls Tracked with Blue Corona Marketing Tracked Lines.   Overview: Call Leads shows the total count of inbound calls that were received through all allocated Blue Corona marketing tracked lines for the given values selected in the Global Filter.   Data Sources: Blue Corona Call Tracking, Polaris Engagement Subsystem Formula: N/A    ...

0 min reading time
Updated September 10th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Calls Matched

Number of Calls to Blue Corona Tracked Lines Matched to ServiceTitan Calls.   Overview: Calls Matched is the number of inbound calls to Blue Corona marketing tracked lines that match inbound calls in ServiceTitan for options selected in the Global Filter . Due to variations in phone configurations, potential latencies, duplicate calls, etc. this mat...

0 min reading time
Updated September 10th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Calls Tracked Match Rate

% of Calls Matched to ServiceTitan from All Calls to Blue Corona Tracked Lines.   Overview: Calls Tracked Match Rate is the percentage of calls matched to ServiceTitan Inbound calls from all calls to Blue Corona marketing tracked lines for options selected in the Global Filter . This metric is an indicator of match accuracy for related ServiceTitan ...

0 min reading time
Updated September 10th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Call Match Rate

% of Calls Matched to ServiceTitan from Blue Corona Tracked Lines.   Overview: Call Match Rate is the percentage of calls to Blue Corona marketing tracked lines that match ServiceTitan calls with associated jobs for options selected in the  Global Filter . This metric is an indicator of the percentage of your calls being routed through Blue Corona’s...

0 min reading time
Updated September 10th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Attributed Revenue

Total Revenue Associated with All Matched Calls.   Overview: Attributed Revenue is the sum of revenue for all Calls Matched that have associated jobs and invoice totals for options selected in the  Global Filter . Attributed Revenue for a given job may be updated by the Net Change adapter if it detects a change in the invoice total after initial ing...

0 min reading time
Updated September 10th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Jobs Cancelled

Total Jobs Cancelled from Calls Matched to Blue Corona Tracked Lines.   Overview: Jobs Cancelled shows the sum of all unique ServiceTitan cancelled jobs associated to ServiceTitan inbound calls matched to Blue Corona marketing tracked calls for options selected in the Global Filter .    Note that this metric may be updated by the Net Change adapter ...

0 min reading time
Updated September 10th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Jobs In-Progress

Total Jobs In-Progress from Calls Matched to Blue Corona Tracked Lines.   Overview: Jobs In-Progress shows the sum of all unique ServiceTitan  jobs that are in progress and associated to ServiceTitan inbound calls matched to Blue Corona marketing tracked calls for options selected in the Global Filter .    Note that this metric may be updated by the...

0 min reading time
Updated September 10th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Jobs On-Hold

Total Jobs On-Hold from Calls Matched to Blue Corona Tracked Lines.   Overview: Jobs On-Hold shows the sum of all unique ServiceTitan  jobs that are in on hold and associated to ServiceTitan inbound calls matched to Blue Corona marketing tracked calls for options selected in the Global Filter .    Note that this metric may be updated by the Net Chan...

0 min reading time
Updated September 10th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Jobs Scheduled

Total Jobs Scheduled from Calls Matched to Blue Corona Tracked Lines.   Overview: Jobs Scheduled shows the sum of all unique ServiceTitan  jobs that are in scheduled status and associated to ServiceTitan inbound calls matched to Blue Corona marketing tracked calls for options selected in the Global Filter .    Note that this metric may be updated by...

0 min reading time
Updated September 10th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Call to Job Rate

% of Matched Calls with Associated Jobs that are Unique.   Overview: Call to Job Rate shows the percentage of Calls Matched that have a unique job associated  to them for options selected in the Global Filter .    For example, assume that there are 3,000 inbound Calls Matched between Blue Corona marketing tracked lines and ServiceTitan and 1,500 of ...

0 min reading time
Updated September 10th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Jobs Total

Number of Jobs Associated to Calls Matched to Blue Corona Tracked Lines.   Overview: Jobs Total shows the sum of all unique ServiceTitan jobs  matched to calls to Blue Corona marketing tracked calls for options selected in the Global Filter .    For example, assume that 2,500 ServiceTitan inbound Calls Matched to calls to Blue Corona tracked lines, ...

0 min reading time
Updated March 18th, 2024 by Dinesh Dhamija

Job Completion Rate

% of Booked Jobs out of Total Jobs Associated with Matched Calls.   Overview: Job Completion Rate shows the percentage of Jobs Completed out of the Total Jobs associated with Calls Matched for options selected in the Global Filter .    For example, assume that there are 3,000 inbound Calls Matched between Blue Corona marketing tracked lines and Serv...

0 min reading time
Updated September 10th, 2023 by Dinesh Dhamija

Job Cancellation Rate

% of Cancelled Jobs out of Total Jobs Associated with Matched Calls.   Overview: Job Cancellation Rate shows the percentage of Jobs Cancelled out of the Total Jobs associated with Calls Matched for options selected in the Global Filter .    For example, assume that there are 3,000 inbound Calls Matched between Blue Corona marketing tracked lines and...

0 min reading time
Updated July 3rd, 2024 by Dinesh Dhamija

Leads - Untaggable - Total

Total Leads from all sources besides Blue Corona calls, forms, and chats   Overview: Leads - Untaggable -Total  is the count of leads from all sources besides Blue Corona tracked calls, forms, and chats  for options selected in the  Global Filter .    Leads that are from Blue Corona calls, forms, and chats can be reviewed and tagged to designate and...

0 min reading time
Updated June 28th, 2024 by Dinesh Dhamija

Leads - Untaggable - Final

Leads marked Untaggable from Google Analytics (GA) or Google Analytics 4 (GA4).   Overview: Leads - Untaggable - Final is the sum of all leads marked as untaggable in GA or GA4. for options selected in the  Global Filter .    For details on the transition from GA to GA4 review this article.   Data Sources: Google Analytics      (Prior to Cut-over to...

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