
Calculated Metrics: Engagements

Written By Dinesh Dhamija (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 5th, 2024


Total number of contacts from various engagement systems across tracked sources.



Leads represent the total number of people that engaged with our clients across the different engagement channels we track. Engagement include calls, forms, chats, schedulers, local services, business profiles, Facebook, etc.


This metric shows the total number of Leads based on the selected global filter options. It is calculated from the lead data from the specific data sources. It's important to note that if there is no available data or if the lead count is zero for a particular data source, it won't include in the calculations. 

Data Sources:

Calls, Blue Corona Forms, Blue Corona Chats, GA4, Google Local Services, Google Business Profile, Facebook


                             Formula                                                         Adapter Source


Leads      =          Call Leads                                  +           (Calculated:: Engagement)

                             Form Leads                               +           (Calculated:: Engagement)

                             Chat Leads                                +           (Calculated:: Engagement)

                             Leads - Untaggable - Total