Booked Leads

Calculated Metrics: Engagement

Written By Erin Whetham (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 7th, 2024

Total Bookings from all sources that capture a booking status.



Bookings - Total  is the count of booked leads from 'Calls - Booking', 'Bookings - GMB', 'Bookings - GLSA' , and chat/ schedulers with booking capabilities for options selected in the Global Filter. Bookings from GMB and GLSA are not all booked leads from those channels. They refer to the bookings that are made through the booking feature available in those platforms.



Data Sources:

Calculated Metrics (GA / GA4 related), Google Local Services (GLSA), Google Business Profile (GBP), Facebook


 Formula                                                                       (Adapter Source)


‘Leads - Untaggable - Total’ =                                      

          ‘Bookings - Calls'                                +            (Engagement)

          ‘Bookings - GLSA’                                +            (Google Local Services)

          ‘Bookings - GMB’                                 +            (Google Business Profile)

          ‘Bookings - Untaggable’                     +            (Calculated)